LG G4 Camera Review

I recently upgraded phone plans with a new LG G4 smart phone.  It was a toss up between Samsung Galaxy S6 and the LG G4, but there was a sweet deal to save $200 off the phone price if you trade in a used smart phone.  So, I have been quite impressed with the phone and it’s camera (the only smart phone at the moment that can take pictures in RAW.  The camera is quite responsive and snappy (my daughter managed to take 22 pictures in 2 or 3 seconds).

From indoor still shots with low light to outside daylight scenery shots, the camera does a great job.  It is after all just a phone camera, so keeping in mind what your light source is, and where it is in relation to your subject is still important.

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Just the other day I took some pictures outside at night (with a church light up) and inside the church (with dim lighting at best) and the camera (or rather its Auto HDR setting) really impressed me.  Sure there is noise in the picture, but wow it did a great job.  Adding the ability to capture images in RAW, allowing for greater tweaks and edits of the image, just makes this camera a little sweeter.

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