ASP.NET Mobile Development with Visual Studio 2008

Original Post –

If you are using Visual Studio 2008, you might have noticed that it
doesn't have item templates for ASP.NET Mobile Web Forms (which were
previously available in Visual Studio 2003).  

To help users with this scenario, I've created the following item templates for ASP.NET Web Site and ASP.NET Web Application projects:

  • Mobile Web Form
  • Mobile Web User Control
  • Mobile Web Configuration File

The templates are available in both VB and C# versions.

One limitation users should be aware of is the Design View in
Visual Studio 2008, which is based on a completely new archtecure, does
not display ASP.NET mobile controls.  However, using these templates
you should be able to develop ASP.NET Mobile applicaitons using the Source View just fine.

Once installed, these templates enable users to create and edit new
ASP.NET Mobile Web Forms in ASP.NET Web Site and ASP.NET Web
Applicaiton project types.

To install these templates download the attachment included in this
post, extract the ZIP file, and follow the instructions in the included
readme.txt files.

4 thoughts on “ASP.NET Mobile Development with Visual Studio 2008

  1. I have been playing with the express editions of Visual Studio to increase my knowledge for a number of months and I am starting to make the changeover to the professional version. In advance of this I would like to improve my knowledge of using the tool before I get out my wallet. My recent experience is as a web coder with php, mysql, most linux based tools and an amount of flash with actionscript, now I am moving to a Microsoft package. I am realising it is a real learning curve and am attempting to build my awareness with some blog reading. The sentence " ASPNET Mobile Development with Visual Studio 2008 " in your post made me aroused my curiosity. I feel the Visual Studio tutorial web sites are often inflexible and cover the identical items resembling an online manual. Dialog in blogs frequently reference actual methods to overcome problems that leads me through the learning curve more quickly. Thank you for the article.

  2. Mike,
    Glad you like the post and found it useful. I too have found more help and learning from other developer’s blogs that are actually trying to use the tools to develop solutions, then I do on the MSDN sites. Good luck on your journey. I have always been in Microsoft developer and didn’t have to make the big switch that you described.

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